Cabinet portfolio holders
Who the portfolio holders are and their areas of responsibility.
The Cabinet includes the Leader of the Council and 5 other councillors.
Each cabinet member is responsible for a policy area and key strategic policies, known as a portfolio.
You can find all of our key strategic policies on our plans, policies and strategies page.
Portfolio holders
Leader of the Council
Leader: Cllr Petrina Lees
Areas of responsibility and key strategic policies
- To provide leadership to the council and its political administration
- Lead and chair the Executive and ensure its overall effectiveness
- Allocate executive portfolios and to ensure the effective integration and co-ordination of roles, responsibilities and functions within the Executive
- Have overall responsibility for the political and financial management of the authority, and the delivery of agreed council priorities, strategies and policies
- Liaise with the Chief Executive on all issues relating to the operation of the council and to meet regularly with the Chief Executive, directors and other relevant senior officers to consider and recommend action within approved policies and strategies
- Meet regularly with the portfolio holders to consider and recommend action within approved policies and strategies
- Have regular contact with other councillors, community representatives and other local stakeholders and to take account of their views in shaping recommendations on policies, strategies and budgets
- Represent the council in the community and in discussions and negotiations with county, regional and national organisations and others so as to pursue matters of interest to the council and the community
- Positively promote the council and the community in the press and via the media
- Promote effective and due corporate governance and risk management
Deputy Leader of the Council and Portfolio for Finance and the Economy
Portfolio holder: Cllr Neil Hargreaves
Areas of responsibility and key strategic policies
The budget and finance
- The Budget - deliver cost-effective and efficient services within the council's means
- Medium Term Financial Strategy 2023-2028 [895.23KB] - to fund council services by a prudent mix of investment, services and tax income, while maintaining adequate reserves
- Treasury Management
- Applications for relevant central government grants
- Economic Development Strategy
- Parking
Portfolio for Environment and Climate Change
Portfolio holder: Cllr Neil Reeve
Areas of responsibility and key strategic policies
The environment and climate change
- Climate Crisis Strategy 2021-2030
- Implement and enforce policies that protect the district's natural resources, reduce energy consumption and increase bio-diversity
- Air quality and pollution
Waste services
- Encourage re-use and recycling
- Reduction of fly-tipping and littering
- Advocate a reduction in land-fill
Portfolio for Planning
Portfolio holder: Cllr John Evans
Areas of responsibility and key strategic policies
Planning and development management
- Implement recommendations of the Planning Department Service Review
- Increase the voice and influence of residents in planning matters
- Ensure proper representation to and with Government Departments regarding planning policy matters
- Implementation of the Community Infrastructure Levy or successor) along with s106 agreements to deliver strategic community projects and greater local benefits available from development
- Planning enforcement oversight
Local Plan and Planning Policy
- Develop a new Local Plan for the district
- Facilitate neighbourhood planning across the district through strong engagement with and support of all town and parish councils
- Work with Essex County Council on infrastructure provision including highways projects
Stansted Airport
- Work with the airport and associated businesses on issues of permitted development including employment
- Represent residents as to matters of concern to communities, including flight paths/routing, night flights, noise and fly-parking
Portfolio for Communities and Local Partnerships
Portfolio holder: Cllr Maggie Sutton
Areas of responsibility and key strategic policies
- Town and parish council engagement
- Voluntary sector engagement
- Youth engagement
Local partnerships
- Representative on the Police, Fire and Crime Panel
- Community Safety Partnership
- Emergency Planning and Business Continuity Policy
- Uttlesford Health and Wellbeing Strategy 2023-2028
- Lead on Uttlesford Health & Wellbeing partnership
- Promote services to protect vulnerable women and men who live in the district
- Work with the NHS on in-district local healthcare provision
- Refugees
Portfolio for Housing and Equalities
Portfolio holder: Cllr Arthur Coote
Areas of responsibility and key strategic policies
- Housing Strategy 2021-2026
- Affordable homes delivery
- Maintenance, improvement and refurbishment of existing council homes
- Standards in private sector housing
- Homelessness and Rough Sleeping Strategy (PDF) [580KB]
Delivery of the Equality Policy, equality information and the Equality Duty