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Air Quality Technical Planning Guidance (Uttlesford District Council, 2018)

This guidance has been prepared to support the policies set by Uttlesford District Council relating to air quality within the Local Plan. It is designed to take account of National Planning Practice Guidance, National Policy and relevant information to ensure that good air quality is maintained and where possible improved through the development control process.

Air Quality Technical Planning Guidance (PDF, 953 KB)


Land at Easton Park Landscape & Visual Appraisal (Chris Blandford Associates, June 2017)

The purpose of the Landscape and Visual Appraisal is to provide a preliminary high-level appraisal of the development potential of the land at Easton Park site in landscape and visual capacity terms.

Land at Easton Park Landscape & Visual Appraisal (PDF, 13 MB)


Land at North Uttlesford Landscape & Visual Appraisal (Chris Blandford Associates, June 2017)

The purpose of the Landscape and Visual Appraisal is to provide a preliminary high-level appraisal of the development potential of the land at North Uttlesford site in landscape and visual capacity terms.

Land at North Uttlesford Landscape & Visual Appraisal (PDF, 9 MB)


Land West of Braintree Landscape & Visual Appraisal (Chris Blandford Associates, June 2017)

The purpose of the Landscape and Visual Appraisal is to provide a preliminary high-level appraisal of the development potential of the land West of Braintree site in landscape and visual capacity terms.

Land West of Braintree Landscape & Visual Appraisal (PDF, 22 MB)


Draft Air Quality Technical Planning Guidance (Uttlesford District Council, 2017)

This guidance has been prepared to support the policies in the emerging Local Plan.  The guidance is aimed at applicants, developers and their consultants to help to ensure consistency in approach to air quality within Uttlesford, and that it is addressed  prior to submitting a planning application.

Draft Air Quality Technical Planning Guidance (PDF, 719 KB)


Noise Assessment Technical Guidance (Uttlesford District Council, June 2017)

This guidance has been prepared to support the policies in the emerging Local Plan. The guidance is aimed at applicants, developers and their consultants to encourage good acoustic design, and that it is addressed  prior to submitting a planning application.

Noise Assessment Technical Guidance (PDF, 851 KB)


Ecological Sites on and adjacent to New Settlement/Neighbourhood Proposals (Uttlesford District Council, May 2017)

The purpose of this paper is to identify the sites designated for their ecological importance within and adjoining the new settlement/neighbourhood sites.  The information will identify whether there is a need for further survey work.

Ecological Sites on and adjacent to New Settlement/Neighbourhood Proposals (PDF, 25 MB)


New Settlement Proposals: Landscape and visual impact (Uttlesford District Council, May 2017)

This paper looks at the significance and the effects of change resulting from the development of a new settlement on the landscape and on public views and visual amenity.

New Settlement Proposals: Landscape and visual impact (PDF, 184 KB)


Countryside Protection Zone Study (LUC, June 2016)

This study was commissioned to examine whether the Countryside Protection Zone (CPZ) still meets its defined purposes of retaining an airport in the countryside and protecting the surrounding areas from encroachment and consolidation of development.

Countryside Protection Zone Study (PDF, 8 MB)


Uttlesford Strategic Flood Risk Assessment (JBA Consulting, May 2016)

A study to identify the extent of flood risk in Uttlesford and to supplement current flood policy guidelines.

Uttlesford Strategic Flood Risk Assessment (PDF, 2 MB)

Uttlesford Strategic Flood Risk Assessment Maps (PDF, 12 MB)


Green Belt

The purpose of a Green Belt Review is to provide evidence of how different areas perform against the Green Belt purposes set out in national policy; the Council will take this into account alongside other evidence in making decisions about possible changes to Green Belt boundaries.  

Uttlesford Green Belt Review Report (PDF, 4 MB)

Uttlesford Green Belt Review Annex (PDF, 14 MB)


Assessment of Uttlesford District's Local Plan on Air Quality in Saffron Walden (Jacobs, October 2013)

Jacobs were commissioned by Essex County Council (ECC) to undertake an air quality assessment of the effects of proposed developments in the Uttlesford District Council's (UDC) Local Plan on nitrogen dioxide (NO2) concentrations. This assessment is aimed at identifying whether mitigation is required and/or possible in the opening year. Local Air Quality Management (LAQM) assessments conducted by UDC have identified that only NO2 represents a risk of exceeding air quality standards.

Air Quality in Saffron Walden -Nitrogen Dioxide Dispersion Modelling Report (PDF, 3 MB)

Air Quality in Saffron Walden - Appendices (PDF, 2 MB)


Urban Design Assessment of Development Opportunity Sites (Place Services - Essex County Council, 2012)

Council Depot and Car Park Site, New Street, Great Dunmow, Essex (PDF, 1 MB)

Emson Close/Rose & Crown Walk, Saffron Walden, Essex (PDF, 657 KB)

Fire Station & Laundry Site, Saffron Walden, Essex (PDF, 1 MB)

Post Office Car Park Site, High Street, Great Dunmow, Essex (PDF, 880 KB)

Site to the rear of Cambridge Road/Chapel Hill, Stansted Mountfitchet, Essex (PDF, 1 MB)


Renewable Energy Study of the District of the District (Altechnica, January 2008)

This study is a comprehensive review of the renewable energy resources and potential for renewable energy technologies within Uttlesford District. The study was commissioned by Uttlesford Futures, the local strategic partnership, and was prepared by Dr Derek Taylor of Altechnica Ltd.

 Renewable Energy Study Section 1 - Summary (PDF, 836 KB)

Renewable Energy Study Section 2 - Solar (PDF, 1 MB)

 Renewable Energy Study Section 3 - Wind Energy (PDF, 1 MB)

 Renewable Energy Study Section 4 - Ground Coupled Energy (PDF, 701 KB)

 Renewable Energy Study Section 5 - Biofuel (PDF, 930 KB)

 Renewable Energy Study Appendix A - Wind speed map (PDF, 1 MB)

 Renewable Energy Study Appendix B - London Stansted Airport: Wind Turbine Development Consultation Area (PDF, 1016 KB)

 Renewable Energy Study Appendix C - London Stansted Airport: Aerodrome Safeguarding Map (PDF, 149 KB)

 Renewable Energy Study Appendix D - Mains gas availability map (PDF, 1 MB)


Local Wildlife Site Review (Essex Ecology Services, October 2007)

A re-assessment of selected Local Wildlife Sites. Copies are available for inspection at the Council Offices, London Road, Saffron Walden.

Selected Local Wildlife Site Review (PDF, 11 MB)


Landscape Character Assessment (Chris Blandford Associates, September 2006)

This study provides a comprehensive assessment of the landscape character within the study area to inform land use planning and land management decisions. The study was jointly commissioned from Chris Blandford Associates by Uttlesford, Braintree, Chelmsford, Maldon and Brentwood Councils and the study covers all these district/borough areas. Click on the links below to view the parts of the study about Uttlesford. You can look at a full copy of the study at the Council Offices in Saffron Walden. Contact 01799 510461 for more information.

Contents and Summary

 Title (PDF, 116 KB)

 Introduction (PDF, 288 KB)

 Fig 1.1 Map of Study Area (PDF, 419 KB)

 Overview of Study Area (PDF, 179 KB)

 Fig 2.1 Surface Geology Map (PDF, 143 KB)

 Fig 2.2 Landform and Drainage Map (PDF, 373 KB)

 Fig 2.3 Nature Conservation Areas Map (PDF, 921 KB)

 Fig 2.4 Historic Character Map (PDF, 533 KB)

 Fig 2.5 National Joint Character Areas (PDF, 200 KB)

Fig 2.6 National Landscape Typology (PDF, 150 KB)

 Fig 2.7 County Landscape Character Types (PDF, 149 KB)

 Fig 2.8 District and Borough Landscape Character Types (PDF, 238 KB)

 Landscape Character of Uttlesford District (PDF, 17 MB)

 Fig 7.1 Uttlesford District Landscape Character Types and Areas (PDF, 4 MB)

Recommendations (PDF, 142 KB)

Appendices (PDF, 445 KB)


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