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Historic environment

Heritage Impact Assessments (Donald Insall Associates, 2018 and 2019)

Donald Insall Associates was commissioned by Uttlesford District Council to prepare Heritage Impact Assessments for Garden Communities. These consider the potential impact of development of three sites identified in the District Council's Draft Local Plan situated at North Uttlesford, Easton Park and Land west of Braintree (Andrewsfield). Assessments were also prepared for three alternative sites at Elsenham, Chelmer Park and Takeley (Priors Green).

Uttlesford Heritage Impact Assessments Erratum- March 2019 (PDF) [1MB]

Uttlesford Heritage Impact Assessments - January 2019 (PDF) [25MB]

Uttlesford Heritage Impact Assessments - Draft May 2018 (PDF) [20MB]


Archaeological Impact Assessments (Place Services, 2018)

Brief Archaeological Impact Assessment Proposed Uttlesford Garden Communities (PDF) [3MB]

Archaeological Assessment of allocated sites (PDF) [230KB]


Archaeology Addendum notes for North Uttlesford, Easton Park, West of Braintree Garden Communities (June 2018)

Addendum Archaeology Text for Inclusion into HIA - Rev 1 (PDF) [359KB]

Additional archaeological notes Andrewsfield Garden Community West of Braintree 25-06-2018 (PDF) [409KB]

Additional archaeological notes Easton Park Garden Community 25-06-2018 (PDF) [654KB]


Brief Heritage Impact Assessments (UDC, 2017)

These documents highlight any heritage assets that could potentially be impacted by development in response to the call for sites, undertaken as part of the draft Local Plan. It considers the significance of these heritage assets, the contribution that setting makes to their overall significance and the likely effect of the proposed development on their setting and overall significance.

Brief Heritage Impact Assessments - Easton Park Garden Village, Great Chesterford Garden Village, Andrewsfield Garden Village West of Braintree (PDF) [749KB]

Brief Heritage Impact Assessment - Chelmer Mead, Little Dunmow (PDF) [427KB]

Brief Heritage Impact Assessment - Priors Green, Takeley (PDF) [133KB]

Brief Heritage Impact Assessment - Land North East of Elsenham (PDF) [99KB]


Neighbourhood plans

Great and Little Chesterford Neighbourhood Plan

Great and Little Chesterford Neighbourhood Plan Historic Environment Assessment (PDF) [5MB]  (ECC Place Services, 2016)

Great and Little Chesterford Neighbourhood Plan Landscape Character Assessment (PDF) [16MB]  (Hankinson Duckett Associates, 2016)

Stebbing Neighbourhood Plan

Heritage Assessment relating to the emerging Stebbing Neighbourhood Plan (PDF) [5MB]  (Grover Lewis Associates, 2017)

Thaxted Neighbourhood Plan

Heritage Assessment relating to the emerging Thaxted Neighbourhood Plan (PDF) [4MB]  (Grover Lewis Associates, 2016)

Uttlesford District Council have designated a number of Neighbourhood Plan areas.


Protected Lanes Assessment (Essex County Council, March 2012)

Essex County Council's Historic Environment Branch was commissioned by Uttlesford District Council in 2012 to undertake an assessment of the District's existing Protected Lanes using the new Protected Lanes criteria developed for the County (ECC 2009). This report presents the findings of that assessment.

Uttlesford Protected Lanes Assessment (PDF) [2MB]


Uttlesford District Historic Environment Characterisation Project (Essex County Council, 2009)

The historic environment is sensitive to change and needs to be properly understood before change is planned. This document assesses the historic environment to come to some conclusions about the sensitivity, diversity and value of the historic environment resource within the district. 

Uttlesford District Historic Environment Characterisation Project Report (PDF) [5MB]


Historic Settlement Character Assessments (Uttlesford District Council, 2007)

   Historic Settlement Character Assessment Introduction (PDF) [480KB]

Historic Settlement Character Assessment Great Chesterford (PDF) [632KB]

Historic Settlement Character Assessment Great Dunmow (PDF) [524KB]

Historic Settlement Character Assessment Henham (PDF) [707KB]

Historic Settlement Character Assessment Newport (PDF) [724KB]

Historic Settlement Character Assessment Saffron Walden (PDF) [615KB]

Historic Settlement Character Assessment Stansted (PDF) [398KB]

Historic Settlement Character Assessment Thaxted (PDF) [1MB]


Conservation Area Appraisals

Between 2007 and 2015 Uttlesford district council carried out a programme of Conservation Areas Appraisals. The aim is to investigate the best way to protect our heritage in a time of increasing pressures.

Each appraisal examined the qualities of the area and identified potential changes that are positive and others that may be damaging. The existing boundaries of the conservation areas have been reviewed and suggestions for adjustments made. Management proposals have been put forward which, for example, have included a range of appropriate environmental and highway improvements.

All of the Conservation Areas in the district have now been surveyed. The approved reports and maps of the boundaries can be found on the Conservation area appraisals page.


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